
25 Tiny Habits That Will Make You A Better Person.

Person's Left Hand Holding Green Leaf Plant

Do you want to be a better person?

Do you want to stand out in knowledge, physique and poise when you speak?

Do you strive to be a better version of yourself but don’t know how to proceed exactly?

This is the blog post researched specifically for you.


I have carefully written out 25 habits that will transform your life and make you a better person overall. 


The good part of this is that these habits don’t take time to practice and they stick in no time. You’re probably doing some of them without even knowing you are doing that already.


25 Tiny Habits That Will Make You A Better Person.


  1. Read at least one book per month.


The size of the book does not matter. The knowledge you’re getting from it is all that matters. Reading at least a book per month will broaden your scope on things beyond your present scope.


  1. Write down your weekly and monthly goals.


There should be something you want to achieve every cycle. Writing it down is holding yourself accountable and seeing that you get things done correctly.


3.Measure and track those goals throughout the year.


It’s not about writing these goals down. Track them and see what you could have done better.


  1. Dedicate just one day a week to eating no meat.


It’s not about not being able to afford it, it’s about disciplining yourself.


  1. Put your phone on silent before you share a meal with someone you care about.


This simple act shows you respect the person and also appreciate the time spent together.


  1. Talk to someone when you’re in pain.


Never shut out people completely. Sometimes, talking is what makes it easy to bear.

  1. Be physically active.

Walk whenever you can and don’t embrace a sedentary life.


  1. Show concern and care for others genuinely.

Empathy is the currency of open doors. You don’t need to do good or show good to those who can pay you back now, just do it anyway.


  1. Take risks.

Say ‘yes’ to something that scares you, if you know that it will truly be good for you.


  1. Keep a journal.

Write in it every day, with the understanding that there are no rules. It is meant for you and you alone. Just to help you get your thoughts out of your head onto a piece of paper.


  1. Be aware of yourself.

Stay true to your emotions by addressing them when they come up. Don’t suppress them or brush them aside. These are the things that make you human.


  1. Listen more.

Listen more than you speak and then forgive yourself when you slip. Keep trying till you get better at it.


  1. Keep your gadgets away before you sleep.

Before shutting down for the night,  stare at anything but your gadgets. A book, the window, your partner, a pet, the ceiling. 


  1. Sleep As much as possible.

Sleep is not something you should negotiate. Getting quality sleep will make you less grumpy and also keep you mentally fit for tasks ahead of you.


  1. Pay attention to what boosts your productivity.

Do you need music? What genre?

Do you need silence? How silent?

Do you need a window? How bright?

Do you need white noise? What theme?

Pay attention to the moments in which you’ve done your best work, notice the factors that were present, and then do everything in your power to replicate it every single time.


  1. Engage strangers.

Talk to strangers sometimes. It can be anyone who comes in the line of your duty. Uber drivers, bikers, gym members, dry cleaners, just talk to someone who you don’t even know their first name or nickname.


Sometimes the conversation will be great and memorable, at other times, it will be just for the fun of it, either ways, you would have done something for yourself.


  1. Share your excitement.

Whenever you think of the possibility and the reality that awaits you upon the completion of your new goals, allow yourself to feel the excitement and also talk about it to whoever cares to listen.


I’m not saying you should let your guards down. What I’m simply saying is that you should allow yourself to feel the excitement and also learn to share it.


Sharing it makes it more tangible because affirmation will be at work here.


  1. Practice what makes you focus.

Whatever you’re able to focus and boost your creativity, focus on it. Be it white noise or music, just focus on it and let your brain work steadily.


  1. Starve things that waste your time of attention.

Stop giving attention to pointless things that take your time unnecessarily. Set a time frame to everything and stick to it.


  1. Learn to let off some steam. 

When you choose to relax, make sure you do it fully. Don’t sit on the couch and fill forms.


Don’t stay on the couch and reply to emails from work and still expect to be fully rested. Let your work time remain work time and relaxation time remain relaxation time.


  1. Wear what makes you comfortable

Put on clothes that make your movement easy as well as make you feel like yourself. That is the beginning of minimalism and is a sure way to consistency.


  1. Stop procrastinating.

Open your mail as soon as you see them come in. 

Return the missed calls.

Follow your to-do list.

Stop postponing what can be done immediately.


  1. Appreciate people genuinely.

Tell people how much they mean to you. How proud you are of them,

How they inspire you,

Just let them know how much they mean to you.


  1. Always choose integrity.

Let your decisions, choices and conclusions be made based on being a person of integrity.


  1. Let growth and development be your motivation.

Think about the miles you have crossed and how far you’ve come.

Think about the future and what you can make out of it. 

Think about the workings you’ll put in to make it better.

Wake up every day with the goal in mind and let that drive you when you feel unmotivated.

Look at your future self and be proud of where you’re going.


You don’t have to do these 25 things at once, just introduce them gradually and watch yourself grow into a better version of yourself.


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