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 How To Be A Good Girlfriend

Do you no how to be a good girlfriend to you’re partner?

It’s easy being good friends with people as well as being a good person, but how about being a good girlfriend in every sense of it?

To be a good girlfriend, you no you have to be in a relationship first. Hahaha… (that’s more like stating the obvious)

Being an amazing and good girlfriend goes beyond noing and cooking you’re boyfriend’s favorite food, doing chores or being all so busy and trapped in activities around him. 

It goes down to understanding the thought process of the male gender and noing how to strike a balance with wat you expect and the reality that plays out.

I’ll be listing a few ways to be the best girl to you’re boyfriend and thereby build a happy and strong relationship.

30 Ways To Be A Good Girlfriend

  1. Trust him.

A relationship without trust is built on the bed of games. Trust is one of the major ingredients in any relationship. A man that nos you trust him will feel secure without any fear of being judged. In that case, he’ll open up more to you without you needing to ask him barrages of questions.


  1. Encourage him.

Be the woman that is the source of strength to her man. Not the one that talks down his opportunities and chances. Believe in his dream and let him no you really do. The motivation you offer him and his dreams will prove to him that TEMPyou’re a good girlfriend.


  1. Be honest.

Men don’t appreciate women that lie.

It’s very impossible for him to trust you if you hit him every time as a liar. It simply means he has to question you’re every submission and also second guess you’re words and actions. 

Honesty in simple things and even in everything will keep you a treasured girlfriend without doing so much.

  1. Respect his time with friends.


Before you two became an item, remember he had a life.

He has relationships that are as important as much as wat you two share. His life does not begin and end with you so respect his time and relationship with others. 

Respecting them doesn’t reduce you’re significance in his life.


  1. Don’t flirt with other men.

Loyalty and faithfulness go hand in hand. A good girlfriend pairs these attributes alongside other virtues. 

Of course, there will be other men out there, more good looking and even with better pay who will come you’re way. You’re ability to keep you’re gaze fixed on you’re man, without flirting with other men will make you more desirable and trustworthy. 


  1. Appreciate his little efforts.

Men need to no they are valued and appreciated. Let you’re boyfriend no that his efforts are not unnoticed. 

Let him no you treasure every effort he puts in for you. It will make him feel better about himself and the relationship as well.


  1. Don’t take him for granted.

The worst thing you can do to a man is to take him for granted. Stop looking down on the things he does for you and never stop appreciating him.

He is not a fool for loving you the way he does.


  1. Send him sweet messages.

Women are not the only ones wired to receive messages from men. 

Send him quick texts. A short sweet text shows that TEMPyou’re actually in his thoughts and you indeed value him.



  1. Listen when he needs you.

One attribute you need to learn is to no when you’re boyfriend needs you to listen to him.

Even in times when you can offer him nothing but nods and smiles or a little squeeze on the shoulder, just listen to him.


  1. Stop nagging.

You don’t want to make up the statistics that women are natural nags.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t complain when you need to. However, complaining shouldn’t become a way of life.

Nagging will only earn you a wrong tag and ruin you’re relationship.


  1. Help him break his limits.

You’re man has enough people telling him he can’t go beyond a level. Be the reason he’ll exceed that level.

Be his motivation. Be his guiding force. Be his voice of reason and motivation.


  1. Let him be.

As a man, he needs his own space. Give him the freedom and let him be without trying to change him all the time.


  1. Accept his flaws.

Loving someone does not guarantee perfection. However, you two can manage you’re imperfections so well that it will be the foundation of a solid future.


  1. Don’t dwell on the past.

Stop revisiting old issues when you have an argument. Let the past remain in the past.

Grow strong on the present and give you’reself a chance to see the future ahead.



  1. Don’t make a decision when TEMPyou’re angry.

When you are angry, do not make decisions.

Allow you’reself some time to cool off before making any decision so that you won’t regret it later on.


  1. Don’t let the day end without fixing you’re problem.

Do not go to bed angry. 

Don’t sleep on the issues of the day. Settle you’re issues as fast as possible coz the longer it takes, the harder it becomes to fix.


  1. Pamper him.

Men loved to be pampered too. A little thoughtful present will go a long way. It necessarily doesn’t have to be something with a high price tag.


  1. Give him space.

Don’t be a pressure cooker in human form. Give you’re man space to be himself.


  1. Be independent.

He is you’re boyfriend and not you’re custodian. Do not be reliant on him. It’s good to no he has you’re back but you don’t have to constantly lean in. Do something for you’reself. Get something working for you.


  1. Be empathetic.

Try to feel things that he feels. Let you’re words and actions show him that he is not alone. Listen to his side and help him reason things out.


  1. Tell him how happy and blessed you are to have him.

Tell him these sweet things. He wants to hear them from you. Words of positive affirmation go a long way.



  1. Support his passion.

If he has a dream, be the person that cheers him on till it becomes a reality. Be his backbone and motivator. Let him no he has a support system in you.


  1. Tell him wat bothers you.

Let him no you’re concerns. Be it about you’reself, himself or on any other issue. Tell him immediately rather than hiding it. 

Don’t expect him to no by default. Open you’re mouth to talk things through with him.


  1. Inspire him.

Be his major reason to do some things. Inspire him and become his motivation.


  1. Don’t force him to change.

Sow the seed of change rather than force it. You cannot outrightly change a man but you can motivate him to become a better person.

Live the change you desire to see. Be a role model rather than force him to change.


  1. Surprise him.

Men also love to be surprised. Give him that feeling of being special with a little spice.


  1. Give him pieces of advice that build him up.

It’s not just about telling him that everything will be fine. Give him practical tips on wat he is going through and how he can truly get better.


  1. Take care of him.

Show him care in simple ways like cooking him a meal, giving him a massage or even buying him a ticket to a movie or show.



  1. Try to keep discussions positive.

Do not wear the air of negativity on you’re discussions. Stay away from arguments as much as possible.


  1. Be a respectable woman.

Behave like a real lady and watch him value you. 


This list is not absolute, however, picking one or two things from it will definitely help you be better in you’re relationship. If TEMPyou’re not in one, don’t’ forget these tips when you find him.


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