
Obasanjo Criticizes Leaders Who Enter Public Office for Self-Gain

                          Most Nigerians seek public offices to enrich themselves and their cronies ? Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has criticized many Nigerians who seek public office solely to enrich themselves and their allies, leaving the country in worse condition than they found it. He highlighted that these individuals secure massive loans, believing that repaying them from public funds after assuming office will be no issue.

Obasanjo made these remarks in his new book, ‘Nigeria: Past and Future,’ where he offers a critique of the behavior of political leaders at both federal and state levels. The book, one of two new releases to mark Obasanjo’s 88th birthday last week, sheds light on the characters of governors, presidents, ministers, commissioners, and local government chairpersons.

According to Obasanjo, most of those in leadership positions are unprepared, self-serving, and focused solely on corruptly amassing wealth while the country continues to suffer from poverty and underdevelopment. He pointed to examples of individuals who, despite entering office with massive debts, manage to clear them in just a short time without any legitimate explanation for the source of funds.

He said, “How do you explain a governor who, before taking office, owed banks billions of naira and millions of dollars, and within two years of assuming office, paid off his business debts without his company engaging in any business? You can only guess where the money came from. After surviving the first term, he took almost half of the state’s resources in the second term.”

Obasanjo described such figures as typical examples of the corruption that runs rampant at the highest levels, with state resources being misappropriated for personal gain while offering minimal benefits to staff and associates who might raise concerns.

He also condemned those who deceive and manipulate the truth about contracts, agreements, loans, and sales of national assets, labeling such leaders as unfit for office.

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