The Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath, announced his resignation on Thursday following allegations of sexual assault and harassment aired by a British broadcaster. The claims were reported by Channel 4 News, where two women accused the bishop of “inappropriate behaviour.”
In a statement, Perumbalath denied any wrongdoing but described the “rush to judgement” and “trial by media” as having rendered his position “untenable.” He stated that his immediate retirement was necessary to avoid a prolonged period of uncertainty while the claims were further investigated.
“I do not wish this story to become a distraction for this incredible diocese and its people, whom it has been an honour and joy to serve,” Perumbalath said. He maintained that he had “not done anything wrong” and noted that a Church safeguarding team had deemed the allegations “unsubstantiated.” Additionally, the first allegation had been investigated by police, who decided not to pursue further action.
Despite these findings, Perumbalath said media reports treated him as guilty, making it impossible for him to continue his role.
The resignation comes amid heightened scrutiny of the Church of England following the recent resignation of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby over the Church’s mishandling of abuse cases. Welby stepped down after an independent review found that he “could and should” have reported decades of abuse by Church-linked lawyer John Smyth to authorities in 2013. Smyth was responsible for the abuse of up to 130 boys and young men across Britain, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, according to the review
The Liverpool diocese acknowledged Perumbalath’s decision, stating, “We continue working hard to support all those who have been affected by this story.”
The Church of England has faced mounting criticism over its handling of abuse cases, with calls for accountability extending to senior figures, including the outgoing Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, who has also been accused of mishandling a sexual abuse case during his tenure as Bishop of Chelmsford.
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